

Founded in 1990, the wine program has grown to become the largest area of participant participation on the CA Education Programs. We are able to offer placements in cellar, viticulture, and laboratory. Typically, these placements are available for the harvest or the “crush” which runs from mid-August to mid-December. We do have a nominal amount of placements that are one year in length.

CAEP Hosts and Host Businesses are located throughout the USA. Most placements are located in California, Oregon, Washington, and New York. We also have placements available in Colorado, Missouri, Michigan, Ohio, and Texas.

Participants will get hands-on experience of how the process of a harvest in the USA is completed. The CAEP host winery or business will provide a training plan that outlines what the participant will be exposed to during their program. In most cases, the participant will be able to add to this training plan by discussing what their goals for the program will be with the host and with their CA Education Programs Coordinator.

Tingimused programmiga ühinemiseks

Et kvalifitseeruda CAEP programmi interniks peab Teil olema emba-kumba::

(1) omandamisel põllumajandusalane haridus.

(2) omandatud põllumajandusalane haridus mitte rohkem kui 12 kuud tagasi.

Et kvalifitseeruda CAEP programmi praktikandiks peab Teil olema emba-kumba:

(1) omandatud põllumajandusalane haridus ja vähemalt aastane samas valdkonnas saadud töökogemus.

(2) 5-aastane töökogemus Teie poolt valitud valdkonnas.

  • Vanus 18-35 aastat
  • Kehtiv juhiluba
  • Inglise keele oskus suhtlustasandil
  • Kriminaalkorras mitte karistatud
  • Vallaline ja hea tervisega
  • Valmis läbima narkotesti kui seda nõutakse

Kandideerimisel tuleb Teil läbida vestlus CAEP programmi esindajaga Eestis, osa vestlusest toimub inglise keeles. Sobivusel tuleb täita ankeet ja esitada vajalikud dokumendid. Ja Teile praktika koha leidmine on alanud.


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